Sunday 4 August 2013

An Education (2009)

[Dir. Lone Scherfig]

When I first see this movie, I thought this will be a "usual" romantic/drama movie just for plain fun. But it was pretty interesting. A young girl Jenny (Carey Mulligan) met a stranger when it was raining and he picks her up, drives her home safely. The stranger happened to be David (Peter Saarsgard) who claimed himself as a successful, broad-minded, and ridiculously smart person who tries to make Jenny fall in love with him and he did it. Jenny was trapped in David's charisma and she's already threw away her dreams, then struggles to win her life back.

It's delightful to see Jenna's life was became much more brighter since David came, even her stubborn dad can change because of David. David truly do anything to make Jenna fall in love with him. She loves Paris, David takes her there, brings her to the best places and a lot of presents on her birthday, and even all of the sudden, proposes her. In one sentence: David made Jenna's dreams came true. But something's wrong when Danny (Dominic Cooper) act strange when Jenna declared that she's engaged with David. He likes Jenny (not in a way we predict), but he likes her because she's smart, classy, have things in common with him, and he knows what Jenny will face because of that engagement.

This film was well written and Carey had this funny romantic chemistry with Peter it made this heart wrenching to see the story of their characters.  "An Education" means there's something meant to be learnt from this movie. It was simple like: you can't trust a stranger. But in a complicated way. The ending is beautiful. I also really like Alfred Molina's character, he played as Jenna's stubborn dad. If you haven't see this movie, see it now.

Rate: 7/10
Imdb page HERE

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