Monday 5 August 2013

Taxi Driver (1976)

[Dir. Martin Scorsese]

I always curious about this movie, it's funny that I just watch this movie now because it's a great movie. Taxi Driver pretty much speaks to my soul, because it has something in common with me. It was perfectly written, a classic movie that never gets old. Because the issues in the movie still going so strong until now.

A man who searching for his identity, also a loner, who tries to find what he could do in his life, and want to be somebody. I can't get my eyes off of the screen. Travis Bickle (Robert DeNiro) want to earn some money, though he didn't have any purpose, he just want to work. He got a job, as a taxi driver. When he doing his job, he met a lot of people, which one of them is Betsy (Cybill Shepherd), whom he fell in love with, and Iris (Jodie Foster) whom he tried to save from Matthew (Harvey Keitel). He tried to live his life, but he couldn't seem to because all these people around him annoyed him. He was heart broken.

The story is easy to understand, probably happens to many people. Especially in America. What I really like in this movie is how they try to picture Travis, brave, courageous, with a tiny bit of insecurity. He can't sleep at night to think about his life. He also still care about his parents. Travis is heroic, mostly to himself, but finally he made something big in his life. Something useful to many people, as he was named "A heroic Taxi Driver". I also really like how Scorsese direct movies. This movie is powerful.

Rate: 8.5/10
Imdb rate HERE

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